The course is aimed at both future professionals and simple enthusiasts who wish to satisfy a curiosity and improve their vocal skills.
Since the italian audience is not used to reading on-screen subtitles, italian dubber-actors are hired by the dubbing director to dub foreign actors’ voice. But thinking that just foreign movies are dubbed is a cliché; in fact, italian movies are, too, when live recording is abandoned or when – in single moment – the original audio just does not “work”.
The voice actor, in the recording studio, will have to identify himself, that is, be in tune with a character who will have his voice and a different face.
The path, starting from the basics of diction and phonetics, is aimed at reaching development in the use of the voice and at the amazing discovery of the different tones that it can have; all this completely integrated into the fascinating world of the artistic-technical aspects of dubbing. How many times have we laughed, have we been moved and have we been carried away by the characters in a picture? How many times, during a movie, have we closed our eyes to dream together with the characters, guided only by the sound of their voice? For this we have to thank voice actors, who are nothing less than artists of the voice – especially here in Italy, where there is a great tradition for dubbing.
Thanks to this course, students will be able to assume the role of some of the most beloved characters ever, and give their voice to great actors from all times.
The goal is to learn how to convey emotions through the many tones and different nuances that one’s voice can assume, as a crossroads of personality and temperament. In addition to this, the course is open also to those who wish to satisfy their curiosity about this fascinating field, or even just to enhance their vocal skills. In fact, along with dubbing techniques, student will also be given the means to control their voice, an ability which can be crucial in the most diverse moments in one’s life: being able to speak properly is a great skill, but doing it with a suiting and convincing timbre is nothing short of an art. For this reason, during the course great attention will be payed to acting fundamentals and exercises. Indeed it must be clear, to those who are about to embark in the study of dubbing, that acting and dubbing are not two separate arts but two complementary and interrelated ones. Therefore this path, through both commitment and fun, will give its participants vocal technique and precision, but at the same time also a new understanding of their voice and an improved awareness of their own personality.
[accordion][accordion_item title=’STUDY PATH’]The first part of each lesson will be devoted to the technical aspects of voice acting: breathing, pronunciation and diction, voice output, emotion control and acting fundamentals.
In the second part, starting from the first lesson, students will begin to dub movie extracts.
The lectern with the script, a microphone, the big screen with the scenes projected on it; in the headphones, the great voices of the protagonists from movies by Fellini, Tarantino or Welles, along with the voices of cartoon characters. Rehearsals – individual, in couples or in group, depending on the script – then the recording. Finally, listening to the playback in order to understand how to structure and control one’s voice.
Specific focus will also be given to the following topics: script analysis, voice timbre, characterization in cartoons, dialogue adaptation in Italian, vocal use in advertising and documentaries. [/accordion_item]
[accordion_item title=’COURSE CALENDAR’]November 2015 – May 2016[/accordion_item]
[accordion_item title=’COURSE SCHEDULE’]Thursdays 3pm-5pm[/accordion_item]
[accordion_item title=’NUMBER OF STUDENTS’]Up to 12[/accordion_item]
[accordion_item title=’TEACHER’]Massimo Alì[/accordion_item]
[accordion_item title=’FEE’]Total cost €910, divided in monthly €130 fees (November through May), plus €100 for the member card (which grants access to all of the school’s courses as auditor) [/accordion_item][/accordion]